Thursday, October 11, 2007

Lack of Logic Fallacy

I admit, I was going to focus my post today on the argument of whether a fetus should be defined as a human being or not. But, while researching this topic I came across a great statement on a pro-choice site promoting abortion rights, and so decided to save it for another day. This site reads, “Anti-choicers insist that the key question in the abortion debate is whether a fetus is a person or not…That is not the key question at all, of course - anti-choicers are committing the "fetus focus fallacy." Therefore, in order to avoid bombarding the world with my “fetus focus fallacy,” I will turn my attention to the next argument that this site poses, where it states “Which reveals a more pertinent question: Do we provide women with safe legal abortions, or do we let them suffer and die from dangerous illegal abortions?”. I have decided that if the pro-choices want to attack my “fetus focus fallacy,” then I shall henceforth deem this argument the “lack of logic fallacy.” Not only does this argument assume that almost all women would continue to engage in abortion, but it insists that we continue abortion for those people who would ignore new laws. I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten, do we support rape because it will happen anyway? Or de we support criminals, because they could be shot on their job otherwise? I am in no way comparing women who receive abortions to criminals or rapists, that would just be illogical, rather, I am trying to point out the lack of logic put into this common pro-choice argument.

Thank you to comment posted on my last blog. To answer your question about the ethics of abortions performed on those with mental handicaps, I do not think that abortions should be used as a way to avoid taking care of a child with a mental handicap. While I do realize that raising children with handicaps is an economically huge undertaking, I feel that the mental state of the child should never be the deciding factor. What do you guys think?

UPDATE: Here is an interesting forum that I recently found on the internet pertaining to the topic of abortion in cases of mental handicaps:

1 comment:

Janay said...

I agree with what you're saying. They are just trying to jusitfy why they allow abortions to be illegal. I like how you used the example of supporting rape to show that we shouldn't support abortion just because we think it will happen anyway. I also see now that they also trying to justify it by saying that the key question is whether the fetus is a person or not instead of a human. If they didn't find anything wrong with abortion they wouldn't want to use "person" instead of "human". That tells me that they know that there is something wrong with having abortions. They just don't want to admit it.