Sunday, October 14, 2007

Partial Births

In 2007 the supreme court passed the Partial Birth Abortion ban, putting an end to all “partial births” in the United States. Essentially, a partial birth is defined as either inducing labor or carrying through the process of labor until the fetus head or part of the child is exposed. After which, the spinal chord is then cut and the birth process is continued until the fetus is fully birthed already deceased. Until this year, many people were shocked to find that this process was actually used in the United States despite the common belief that abortions weren’t performed in the last term of pregnancy. In researching I was surprised to find people on both sides of the abortion argument were opposed to partial births. Does that mean that the woman’s right to choose does end at a certain point? What is that point, and what is the difference between a partial birth and an abortion performed in the first trimester?


Adrian Lopez said...

I definitely learned something new from reading this post. I didn't know there was such thing as partial births. I think it was terrible for the United States to accept that kind of abortion in the first place. There's a big difference between getting rid of an embryo and getting rid of a fetus. From scientific studies, it is known that the fetus is living. The nervous system and the heart are functioning prematurely, so partial births can more likely be considered killing. As far as embryos go, we don't necessarily know if an embryo is living or not. I personally believe that embryos aren't living just because they don't have a heart nor a spinal chord, but that's just an opinion.
To answer your question, I do believe that a woman's right to choose ends at a certain point, and that point is where the embryo has turned into a fetus. I feel this is the right thing to do because I feel it is ethically wrong to get rid of a living fetus.
What is your standpoint on partial births?

AllEyezOnD said...

It seems to me that the techniques used during a partial birth abortion are somewhat barbaric for today in America. With all of the technological advancements that we have it is hard for me to understand how anyone could go through with this process. I would be interested to hear any argument supporting partial birth abortion and what support they use as justification.

Janay said...

Wow, I did not know that. That makes my position of being against abortion even stronger. I am also surprised to hear that people for abortions were against partial births. What's the diffrence? You are still killing the baby. Does the fact that abortion isn't as graphic make it better than partial births to them? To me, it's wrong either way.